Did you know that Indonesia has one of the most beautiful
underwater paradise of the world? The underwater paradise known as the Wakatobi
National Park, located in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.
Wakatobi is the capital of Wangi-Wangi. Wakatobi district consists of four main
islands, namely Wangiwangi, Kalidupa, Tomia, and Binongko.
So, Wakatobi is an acronym for the name of the four main
islands. Prior to December 18, 2003, these islands are called Junior Iron
Islands and is still a part of Buton Regency. Astronomically, Wakatobi is
located in the south of the equator and such other areas in Indonesia, Wakatobi
has two seasons, rainy and dry season. Wakatobi National Park established in
1996, with a total area of 1.39 million hectares, involving marine
biodiversity and coral which occupies one of the highest priority of marine
conservation in Indonesia.
The beauty and richness of the Wakatobi National Park area
is already well known in foreign countries, especially after the Wallacea expedition
from England in 1995 which states that the area in Southeast Sulawesi is very
rich in species of coral. There, there are 750 of total 850 species of coral in
the world. Configuring the depth varies from flat to sloping to the sea and
waters in some areas there is a steep rugged. Waters reach the deepest part of
1044 meters.
Marine tourism is a tourism activity that has long been
recognized and is the mainstay of tourism in the Park Authority. Wealth of
marine life is not because coral reefs along the vast waters of the submarine
topography of colorful slop like shape, flat, drop-off, atoll and underwater
More than 112 species from 13 families including corals
Acropora formosa, A. Hyacinthus, Psammocora profundasafla, Pavona cactus, Leptoseris
yabei, Fungia molucensis, Lobophyllia robusta, Merulina ampliata, Platygyra
versifora, Euphyllia glabrescens, Tubastraea frondes, Stylophora pistillata,
throchelliophorum Sarcophyton, and Sinularia spp living in harmony with other
underwater inhabitants.
Fish species richness of this national park which is owned
as many species of fish such as (Cephalopholus argus), takhasang (Naso
unicornis), pogo-pogo (Balistoides viridescens), napoleon (Cheilinus
undulatus), red fish (Lutjanus biguttatus), rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) ,
Amphiprion melanopus, Chaetodon specullum, Chelmon rostratus, Heniochus
acuminatus, Lutjanus monostigma, Caesio caerularea, and others.
The conservation group “Operation Wallacea” is very active
in this marine park, conducting underwater research and conservation. During
the Sail Wakatobi 2011 in August, the Marine Laboratory on Hoga Beach by
Kaledupa is to be officially inaugurated. (For information visit:
Wakatobi National Park also hosts a collection of sea birds
such as the Swan-Stone Chocolate (Sula leucogaster plotus), Malay plover
(Charadrius peronii) and King Prawn Eurasia (Alcedo atthis) nest. Several
species of sea turtles also make this park their home such as hawksbill turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata), loggerhead turtle (Caretta Caretta), and cracked
turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea).
Wakatobi waters have a loyal guests who make a playground
Wakatobi waters, guests were none other than the sperm whale (Physeter
macrocephalus). Normally, sperm whales in Wakatobi in November, while the other
hemisphere frozen. In the Wakatobi waters are relatively warmer and abundant
feed whales stomach filling. Not only that Wakatobi is also a place to play
Manta manta ray (Manta ray) is classified as a giant body size. Manta rays are
one type of fish is distinctive and unique, which is only found in tropical
Tired of diving and snorkeling? Visit the Kampong Bajo Mola on Wangi-Wangi
and see the life of the local Bajo sea nomads. There are also a number of
interesting forts on Wangi-Wangi. Five kilometers from Wanci is Fort Tindoi,
standing on top of Tindoi Mountain, while at Liya Togo Village is Fort Lya
which also has the Lya Kraton Mosque within its compound. The fort was built in
1538 by an influential Islamic cleric called Syekh Abdul Wahid. Other forts are
the Mandati Tonga Fort and the Kapota Fort.
Kaledupa has some of the best beaches such as the Hoga
Beach, Sombano Beach, Peropa Beach, and Puncak Jamaraka
The Untete Beach at the Kulati Village is the longest white
sand beach on Tomia with endless rows of coconut trees, where the usual fish
grilling tradition is held. There are also mangrove forests to explore.
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